Saturday, January 12, 2008

I don't normally do things like this, but Knikki tagged me.

Here are the rules:

1.) Link the person who tagged you
2.) Tell 7 facts about yourself
3.) Tag 7 people at the end of your blog

Here we go.

Fact #7 - I am in love with The Little Mermaid. Being obsessed is an ok thing right?
Fact #6 - I love the show Degrassi and is really sad I can't watch it while at Longwood
Fact #5 - I also love the show LOST but I just got into it in Sept.
Fact #4 - People have told me they come to parties just because I am there.
Fact #3 - I love to knit. I can knit dinosaurs, scarfs, hats, socks, baby booties, etc.
Fact #2 - I am really scared of needles. They make me pass out
Fact #1 - When I leave home, and hug my teddy bear Poobie goodbye. I cry. I miss him so much while at school

7 people to tag: Ann, Whitney, Jenn, Chris (thats all I have that have blogs....)



Anonymous said...

I come to parties just cuz you're there. Fo sho

Anonymous said...

cool meme!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe knitting is a way for you to become more acceptable to needles. And I can truly back you up on the Poobie thing. By the way, he and I went clubbing last night. it was so much fun and everybody at the club was eating chips. It was the weirdiest thing.

Unknown said...

Hmm.. I do believe all of those facts that you have up there, but I was VERY surprised at the fact that you listed The Little Mermaid down at the seven spot. Come on dear.. now you KNOW that you are more obsessed with it than a seven spot. Lost began in September and "The Mermaid" has been a part of your life for decades... literally. I think its time that you reconsider and re-evaluate your life facts.