Monday, September 10, 2007

Tag I'm it!

Yep. Back to a childish game of tag....via blogging. I have been tagged by Ann. Like any game there are rules:

1. Post rules before giving the facts.
2. Provide 8 random facts/habits about yourself on your blog.
3. Tag (hopefully) 6 people and list their names. Comment on their blog informing them that they have been Tagged and that they need to read your blog to get the rules and post.

Ok so.....

1. I am in love with The Little Mermaid. When I say love I mean Obsessed.
2. I am a new knitter and I completely love it and wish I could knit all the time.
3. I love watching Disney channel and know all the shows on it.
4. My friends can't keep up with my energy sometimes, so I just dance around them as they watch.
5. I adore pedicures. And manicures, but mostly pedicures.
6. I lovelovelovelovelove to talk...and sing!

So as for the bloggers..well...hmmm

yay two whole people


Anonymous said...

I can attest that you are OBSESSED with the Little Mermaid. And when I say Obesessed, I mean OBSESSED!

And yes, you do have a lot of energy - but that's what makes you special!

How is the latest project progressing?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you started a blog. I thought that I was going to be the only one.

Ellen = Amazing