Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My first regular season game: Bruins 3-1 Caps

Yep, You got it. It was my first regular season game. The Washington Capitals vs the Boston Bruins. SPOILER ALERT: The Caps lose. Ugh.

Well let's start off the trip. Everyone that knows me knows that I'm extremely superstitious when it come to my hockey. I chose for the first game to wear a white shirt with my red jersey. I chose to eat at a Japanese place in the food court in Pentagon City. It was good but I could have done without the guys working there hitting on me. Steph and I get Auntie Anne's, a tradition of ours and then we are off to the game.

I saw on twitter that @knublesknights were at the game in section 120, so i saw them and got a picture with them. They ended up winning fans of the game. Go guys!!!

me with @knublesknights


So after this, my phone started to die and wouldn't let me take pictures. For an awesome run thru of the game, check out the russianmachine blog. They are awesome.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I should be sleeping but as soon as I crawled into bed...

I couldn't sleep. I know. Totally annoying when this happens so I figured I would write my blog entry, maybe start some and update later. Or not.

So my day started at 6:00am. I hate being an adult sometimes. I went to work and did all the work stuff. Today, however, I got lunch out. What does that mean exactly? Well I'm glad you asked. It means that instead of staying in the program and helping get lunch out, feed people, and get them to bathroom, and maybe (if there is time) shove some food in my mouth, I get a whole hour and a half (yes, you heard me right. THAT LONG) lunch. Steph and Scott were suppose to join me for lunch but Steph had family
come into town last minute so Scott and I dined together at the Crazy Greek. I ate entirely too much. I went back to work afterwards and did more work stuff. FUN! *sarcasm*

Then at 3:30 (Tuesdays and Thursdays are my early days) I was off! I headed over to Steph's apartment to meet up with her and Justin and then the three of us were off to Washington for the Washington Capitals game vs. the Boston Bruins.

Yep. That is indeed a picture of the road. Thats us, traveling to D.C. So here we are, driving, Steph and I rocking out to some music when we look in the back seat and what do we find?

Justin fell asleep. So we took pictures. Seriously, do you expect anything less then us. Of course not. Oh and don't worry. This picture is on facebook for everyone to see in all it's glory. We also saw this nugget while driving down the road.

It's blurry. I know but I couldn't very well ask them to pull over now could I. In case you can't read it, the plate says 'PGH PA'. We couldn't help ourselves. So how about the Caps game. Well you know, now I feel kinda tired and that will be a post for another day and by another day I mean tomorrow. And by tomorrow I mean today, technically, and by today I mean, when it's not effing two o'clock in the morning.

Good night blogland.

Monday, October 18, 2010


I seriously think that if they are going to run a rerun of the show I'm watching, they should check with me and play the episode I missed like half of. ANNOYING.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A weekly update.

"Hello out there. We're on the air. It's blog time tonight."

Let's catch you up on this week. Monday, I went to work. Tuesday, I went to work. Thursday, I went to work, and thennnnn. THREE DAY WEEKEND!
Friday I literally sat around like a blob. It was amazing. On Saturday, I went apple picking at Carter's Mountain. It was a nice fall day. I really enjoyed it. Sunday (today) I'm watching TV and sitting on my computer. Yay for relaxing.

How about the Capitals?
Well, they won in overtime, or as its becoming known as Ovie time. I believe my jinx of watching the game on TV continues. Every time I watched the games, they are losing. When I turn the game off, they win. I go to my first regular season game on Tuesday. Go CAPS!!!

Oh and found this picture. I love Ovechkin and all but seriously, how gay is this?

I know right. Super gay. Oh Sashas, Man up.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

20 life lessons I learned in my 20's

or at least so far.

  1. If you’re smiling right now, you’re doing something right.
  2. It’s not so much what you say that counts, it’ how you make people feel.
  3. The biggest mistake you can make is doing nothing because you’re scared to make a mistake.
  4. No matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be. Either you succeed or you learn something. Win-Win.
  5. Freedom is the greatest gift. Self-sufficiency is the greatest freedom.
  6. If you catch yourself working hard and loving every minute of it, don’t stop. You’re on to something big. Because hard work ain’t hard when you concentrate on your passions.
  7. It’s not about getting a chance, it’s about taking a chance. You’ll rarely be 100% sure it will work. But you can always be 100% sure doing nothing won’t work. Sometimes you just have to go for it!
  8. Complaining is like slapping yourself for slapping yourself. It doesn’t solve the problem, it just hurts you more.
  9. The one with nothing to hide is always the one left standing tall.
  10. You can press forward long after you can’t. It’s just a matter of wanting it bad enough.
  11. There’s a big difference between knowing and doing. Knowledge is basically useless without action.
  12. In work and business, when they need you more than you need them, you have succeeded.
  13. Everything that happens in life is neither good nor bad. It just depends on your perspective.
  14. We are all weird. And life is weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we call it love.
  15. True friendship and true love do sustain the tests of distance and time.
  16. You can’t change who you are. You can only change what you know and how you apply this knowledge.
  17. It is okay to be angry. It is never okay to be cruel.
  18. Even when you feel like you have nothing, someone else likely has far less. Find them and help them. You’ll see why.
  19. Having a thousand credentials on the wall will not make you a decent human being. But genuinely helping one person everyday will.
  20. Remember, change happens for a reason. Roll with it. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.

'ello blogland.

Why hello there.

I guess I never blog anymore. Let's see if I can change that. No promises but we can see.

So whats going on in my life you may ask. Well...I graduated college. Thats right. After 5 long years, I have graduated. YAY! I also found a job in Richmond at Circle Center Adult Day Services. I'm the Wellness Coordinator there. I teach weight lifting, boost for bones, parachute ball, chair aerobics, and in charge of a walking program.

My love life you ask. Well I was dating this great guy and silly me, I got stressed out and got inpatient and got a little short and well...long story short, we aren't together anymore but we are still friends and hey who knows, if could work out again. Let's just say we ended on much better terms then the past bf and he actually treated me well.

So thats a quick overview. Guess I will let you go.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Did you know that if you go to bed wasted, your brain can't dream? It's like a medical thing. I have my own theory and that's that your brain is like, "Dude, I'm not going to entertain you after what you just did to me for the last six hours. Oh, you want to feel what it's like to fly? Go f**k yourself. I'll be up all ...night with your liver, figuring out how we're going to make it to 50."

Friday, August 13, 2010

I think that when you get dressed in the morning, sometimes you're really making a decision about your behavior for the day. Like if you put on flip-flops you're saying, "Hope I don't get chased today."

Monday, June 7, 2010

Childhood is Calling

If I had to make an initial list of things to do this summer for the future lost tribe of childhood members it would go something like this:

Climb in a tree and hang out

Jump across a stream to a grassy bank on the other side

Capture (and release) frogs and salamanders

Jump into thick piles of fresh hay

Play hide and seek in the dark with a tribe of friends

Pick flowers and make bouquets

Build a fort

Pound some nails

Make a homemade toy

Make a paper airplane

Make a toy parachute

Ride a bike across the lawn with no hand

Skip rocks really well

Learn to tie a good knot

Make a lean-to tent from blankets

Camp outside under the stars

Walk with a flashlight in the night woods to spot deer and other nocturnal creatures

Gaze night sky and just try to make sense of those stars ( or learn the constellations!)

Run outside for hour and hours until exhausted

Fall into bed for a good night sleep after running for hours and hours

Learn to swim really well, without fear

Learn to canoe or kayak and paddle down a river or across a lake

Tube down a stream and get bumped around and holler with joy and fear

Have a pet (or many similtaneously)

Plant a small garden and tend it

Grow tomatoes and eat them fresh from the vine

Pick wild blackberries

Pick quarts and quarts of strawberries and eat your fill as you go

Have unlimited strawberry shortcake as a special summer lunch

Plan a neighborhood carnival with friends and family and build all the props from cardboard boxes. Donate the proceeds to a favorite charity.

Ride a bike down a soft grassy hill that end gently at the base (with one or two friends on the seat and handle bar)

Roller skate

Play with jacks

Master the game of marbles

Jump rope (double dutch)

Learn how to build a campfire

Fish (catch and release)

Hook a worm

Gut that fish (not me!)

Make a pie

Make a birthday cake

Make lemonade from scratch

Play barefoot in the grass

Dip toes into soft mucky mud or silt along a brook or stream

Slit grass and make a whistle

Pound rocks and sticks with no other purpose than to pound

Read a favorite book on the lawn, in a hammock

Make a good friend for life

Sleep for hour and hours late into the morning and awake to find a loving parent there to make you breakfast

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Advantages of being old

1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you.

2. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first.

3. No one expects you to run into a burning building.

4. People call at 9 p.m. and ask, "Did I wake you?"

5. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.

6. There's nothing left to learn the hard way.

7. Things you buy now won't wear out.

8. You can eat dinner at 4 p.m.

9. You can live without sex (but not without glasses).

10. You enjoy hearing about other people's operations.

11. You get into a heated argument about pension plans.

12. You have a party and the neighbors don't even realize it.

13. You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.

14. You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room.

15. You sing along with the elevator music.

16. Your eyes won't get much worse.

17. Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off.

18. Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the National Weather Service.

19. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either.

20. Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size.