Have you knit….
Afghan - No
I-cord - No
Garter stitch - Yes
Knitting with metal wire -No
Shawl - No
Stockinette stitch - yes
Socks: top-down - yes
Socks: toe-up - No
Knitting with camel yarn -No
Mittens: Cuff-up - No
Mittens: Tip-down - no
Hat - yes
Knitting with silk a fine strand with wool for socks - No
Moebius band knitting - No
Participating in a KAL -No
Sweater - No
Drop stitch patterns - Yes
Knitting with recycled/secondhand yarn - Yes
Slip stitch patterns - Yes
Knitting with banana fiber yarn - hmmm, no
Twisted stitch patterns - Yes
Knitting with bamboo yarn - yes
Charity knitting - Yes
Knitting with soy yarn - no
Cardigan - no
Toy/doll clothing - No
Baby items - Yes
Knitting with your own handspun yarn - no
Slippers - no
Designing knitted garments - no
Cable stitch patterns - Yes
Lace patterns - no
Publishing a knitting book - Yeah, um, no!
Scarf - Yes
Teaching a child to knit - Yes
Knitting to make money - No
Buttonholes - Yes
Knitting with alpaca - No
Fair Isle knitting - no
Dying with plant colors - No
Knitting items for a wedding - no
Household items (dishcloths, washcloths, tea cosies…) - Yes
Knitting socks (or other small tubular items) - Yes
Knitting with someone else’s handspun yarn -no
Holiday related knitting - yep, Christmas presents a
Teaching a male how to knit - yes but he didn't continue
Bobbles - nope
Knitting for a living - no, i wish
Knitting with cotton - no
Knitting smocking - no
Dying yarn - no but want to
Knitting art - Hmmmm, I don’t think so
Fulling/felting - Yes
Knitting with wool - Yes
Textured knitting - yes
Kitchener stitch - Yes
Purses/bags - gosh yes, love bags!
Knitting with beads -no
Swatching - np
Long Tail CO - Yes- I love it
Knitting and purling backwards - nope
Knitting with self patterning/self striping/variegated yarn - yes, yummy
Stuffed toys - YES! My favorite
Knitting with cashmere (mmm, cashmere!) - no
Darning - no
Jewelry - No.
Knitting with synthetic yarn - Yes.
Writing a pattern - yes
Gloves mittens are warmer! - is this a question?
Intarsia - no
Knitting with linen - no
Knitting for preemies - yes
Short rows - Yes
Cuffs/fingerless mits/armwarmers - yes
Pillows - no
Knitting a pattern from an online knitting magazine - oh yeah!
Rug - no
Knitting on a loom - No
Knitting a gift - yes
Knitting for a pet? - no
Shrug/bolero/poncho - no
Knitting with dog/cat hair accidentally or on purpose? -ranger hair
Hair accessories -no
Knitting in public - Every single day of my life (when I'm not in school)
Knitting with buffalo yarn - no.
Knitting with pygora - no
Dyeing with food dye/drink mixes - no
Dyeing with chemical dyes (acid, etc) - no